Sunday, December 14, 2014

"Attend to these only..."


"Why did you not come to us sooner, my child?
We could have put your mind at rest.
No others will understand
and you do not have the power to make yourself understood.
Cease to bother yourself about it.
You are to attend to the Old Things
And attend to your care of the Earth
Attend to these only.
The destiny of the world is not within your power to influence.
Cease to think of influencing the paths of Man.
They are not your paths to influence.
It's not your task, changeling of the aos sí.
Release this from your heart.
You are alone in the world or very close to it
Who will attend to the Old Things if you do not?
Who will love them if you do not?
How many centuries will it be before another like you
passes through this land again?
Should you be neglecting your care because you don't like
the way this world is going?
It was ever headed this way.
Who knows when your Mother will provision
for another one to come
and when and where will that be?
Your Mother labored hard to bring you forth here.
Reward her care with your own.
Therefore, always act as if you are the last of your kind here
and that if you do not reverence the Old Things and the Earth
then they will not be reverenced, ever."

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